Friday, September 21, 2012


Hellos again. I don't have anything real exciting this time: just some silhouettes and characters I worked on for class...
Taran and Eilonwy from the chronicles/series involving The Black Cauldron.

Never mind the bucket... I sketched it as one of his props, decided it was too small,
and was too lazy to take it out of the colored version.

I know they're not the best (nothing remotely like the wonderful Glen Keane's work), but I'm in the middle of learning. And I'll re-do them soon, hopefully.
Also, Jake Parker came last night to tell us a bit about his experiences and such, and did a little demo while we asked questions. His work is awesome, but I especially LOVED his sketchbooks!! They were so fun to explore. I took down some good reminder notes, tried to sketch Jake as he talked, and didn't take the opportunity to show him any of my work. I honestly have no idea what I even want to do, I didn't have anything really great with me to show him, so I figured it'd be embarrassing for me and a waste of his time. Though on second thought, I think he was a little put out that I didn't at least try. Sorry!

Bottom Right head is supposed to remotely resemble Jake, minus the line interrupting his hair.

Artist level: NINJA