Saturday, September 1, 2012

Older Stuffs

I realized about 10 minutes after publishing my first post and saying "I'll post some of my art soon enough..." that it would be pretty silly to invite people to view a blog about my artwork if I didn't have anything up to look at. Derrrp! So here's some stuffs to keep you coming back. This work stretches back to when I went to Snow College 2 years ago, so I'm sorta cheating in calling it "recent work".

Milk Cartons-- Oil on canvas

Piano-- Charcoal on paper

Stare Down-- Woodblock print
A.J.-- Oil on Masonite panel

Sarah-- Chalk pastels on paper

Mantra-- Cross stitch, digital

Tent Poles Recommended-- Acrylic on board, digital

My Beloved Monster and Me-- Ink and acrylic on paper

Lost Lenore-- Ink and acrylic on paper, digital

Snake Charmer-- Ink and acrylic on paper, digital


  1. Thanks for posting your link on FB! You are sooo cute, and talented. I am lucky to know you. Can't wait to see more! Keep smiling and working hard. XO

  2. sheri, have an incredible talent! i seriously thought some of the first ones were photographs at first glance. amazing!

  3. Thanks so much, you two! :) I'm so blessed to have you guys as friends!

  4. Sheri, you're amazing!! These are very impressive! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Thank you Katie!! I so appreciate it! :)

  6. This is one of my favorite paintings ever!

    1. Thanks so much, Chase! Though now I'm curious, which one were you referring to? Hope your family's well and that your art isn't killing you anymore... haha.
